
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Why I left Islam? An Ex-Muslim Convert from Belgium, Islamic Ideology,

Islamic Ideology
Why I left Islam? An Ex-Muslim Convert from Belgium
Dear friends,
I converted to Islam long ago. I have been raised in a very strict Catholic family and grew up in a loving environment. I always felt real good in the “Catholic "system". Even though my conversion was a very big shock for my parents, they always considered me as their beloved son. In this respect and in many other points my parents are true Christians.

Many people convert to Islam because their partner is Muslim. They think Islam is equal to Christianity plus Muhammad; a type of 2.1 version of the Windows of religion. For men like me this is because it is a (legal) obligation or necessity, to marry a Muslim woman. Women mostly convert because their partner shows so much love for his religion and the rituals (praying, fasting, ...) have a charming effect, and to come closer to their partner, they just want to join in and convert. One falls in love with the so-called Islamic atmosphere and solidarity without knowing what Islam really is about.

When I proposed to my fiancé, she wanted me to convert to Islam, which I did. I realize now that it was not wise to convert to a religion, which I hardly knew anything about. So I converted to Islam without studying it carefully.