
Sunday, June 17, 2012

The War on Terror Does Not Exist, War on Terror,

War on Terror
The War on Terror Does Not Exist
By Stephen Dufrechou
Nov 8, 2009

The False Language

Let us start with the terminology. The very concept of a “war on terror” is nonsensical and self-contradictory. War, itself, is terrorism. Remember the minimal definition of “terrorism” is this: the use of fear and intimidation to psychologically paralyze an enemy into submission, in order to achieve strategic and political ends. This phenomenon has been implemented by the US, through one means or another, in every war the United States has ever fought. Terrorism is a tactic used in any war. And it need not even cause deaths—as long as it achieves “fear and intimidation” in the enemy. Thus, the American military’s own “Shock and Awe” strategy, in the 2003 Iraq War, is a perfect example of terrorism. In the end, to declare “war on terrorism” is as absurd as declaring a “war on air power”.

So, this global conflict is not a war “on terror”. And history shows the anomaly in using such a phrase. In past global conflicts, The United States always named the specific ideology of the enemy. For instance, in WWII the nemesis was fascism; in the Cold War the nemesis was soviet communism. This made political sense. It focused on the belief system of the enemy, which ideologically distinguished the enemy’s philosophy from that of United States’. It made the conflict’s division clear and understandable. But we do not get that kind of clarity with “war on terror”.