
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tariq Ali, Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan: A Tomgram despatch, Islam,Terrorism and Jihad,

Islam,Terrorism and Jihad
Tariq Ali, Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan: A Tomgram despatch
Breaking with Afghan Policy
Operation Enduring Disaster
By Tariq Ali

Washington's hawks will argue that, while bad, the military situation is, in fact, still salvageable. This may be technically accurate, but it would require the carpet-bombing of southern Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, the destruction of scores of villages and small towns, the killing of untold numbers of Pashtuns and the dispatch to the region of at least 200,000 more troops with all their attendant equipment, air, and logistical support. The political consequences of such a course are so dire that even Dick Cheney, the closest thing to Dr. Strangelove that Washington has yet produced, has been uncharacteristically cautious when it comes to suggesting a military solution to the conflict.

It has, by now, become obvious to the Pentagon that Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his family cannot deliver what is required and yet it is probably far too late to replace him with UN ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad. On his part, fighting for his political (and probably physical) existence, Karzai continues to protect his brother Ahmad Wali Karzai, accused of being involved in the country's staggering drug trade, but has belatedly sacked Hamidullah Qadri, his transport minister, for corruption.

Qadri was taking massive kickbacks from a company flying pilgrims to Mecca. Is nothing sacred?,-flight-path-to-disaster-in-afghanistan--a-tomgram-despatch--/islam,terrorism-and-jihad/d/992