
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saudi Arabia – Focal Point of Tyranny, Terrorism and Fallacious Interpretation of Islam, Radical Islamism and Jihad,

Radical Islamism and Jihad
Saudi Arabia – Focal Point of Tyranny, Terrorism and Fallacious Interpretation of Islam

Also: Stop Saudi Tyranny in Yemenite Najran! Call for a UN-organized Referendum

Viewed historically, the father of Osama bin Laden is Napoleon; the heinous expedition of 1798 is the Western world’s most paranoid act, which – completed with the post-WW I ridiculous congresses and trashy treaties signed against the Ottoman Empire’s existence and territories – triggered in and by itself the Islamic radicalism and terrorism, as reaction of the Islamically uneducated Muslims. The earlier completed collapse of the Islamic Civilization in the late 16th – early 17th century deprived the Islamic World from any comeback possibility to the heights of civilization that prevailed throughout Islam for a millennium.

It was simply inane for the Western powers to assume that any effort of Westernization of the Islamic world could possibly happen at the same time with the destruction of its political structure, namely the Ottoman Empire, the Safevid – Qadjar Empire of Iran and the Mughal Empire of India. When a society or a number of societies are forced to brusquely change through humiliation, detrimental self-depreciation, and manoeuvred developments geared to trigger rejection of any concept of progress, improvement, explorative spirit, and search for historical integrity and cultural authenticity (the absence of which leads to national disintegration, total blockage of the nation-building process, and socio-economic and political self-destruction), the final stages of the decayed involve reactionary obscu

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