
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pakistan: Musharraf's exit, opportunity for a new policy for FATA, War on Terror,

War on Terror
Pakistan: Musharraf's exit, opportunity for a new policy for FATA

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rustam Shah Mohmand

True, one has to be mindful of the international obligations that Pakistan is required to fulfil in handling the situation. The Security Council resolution mandates that all steps that are necessary to deny sanctuary to militants and prevent infiltration into the border with Afghanistan should be taken. The current government minus General Musharraf will have to design a policy that seeks to achieve a harmonious balance between our obligations in the pursuit of the Security Council resolution and our national security imperatives, along with the objective of achieving a lasting peace in the tribal areas.

The pressure on Pakistan to ‘do more’ and to ‘rein in’ the militants on its soil who are allegedly causing trouble across in Afghanistan is relentless. The situation, therefore, calls for astute and adroit handling of the situation and skillful crafting of a policy that steers the country out of its current troubles. Any unilateral change in policy will certainly invite the disapproval of Washington, especially since it has become used to Islamabad’s policy of complete and total submission. The rationale of the new policy therefore would have to be explained in great detail to the both the Bush administration as well as the one that will be in place after the November elections this year.,-opportunity-for-a-new-policy-for-fata/war-on-terror/d/586