
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pakistan: Mapping cultural and heritage assets in the NWFP, Islamic Culture,

Islamic Culture
Pakistan: Mapping cultural and heritage assets in the NWFP
By Adil Zareef

The effort becomes more productive when local communities are involved in identifying and mapping out resources that they consider meaningful. This participatory approach gives a communal sense of belonging to cultural roots, besides, empowering them.

“When local people gather information and become key holders of intangible and tangible cultural assets, it can lead to prosperity and progress. Cultural mapping is based on the premise that efforts to save cultural heritage cannot keep pace with the process of deterioration and may ultimately lead to the extinction of some invaluable cultural assets of a country,” said Mr Jorge Sequeira, Unesco director in Islamabad.

He added, “It is important to recognise that in losing cultural heritage we are in fact, losing appreciation for cultural diversity, which results in increased conflicts and wars. Therefore, culture has to be recognised as a binding force towards unity and social cohesion among and within nations.”