
Friday, June 8, 2012

Opening the Book of Islam, seeking to understand terms like kafir, mushrik, jihad and qital, Islamic Ideology,

Islamic Ideology
Opening the Book of Islam, seeking to understand terms like kafir, mushrik, jihad and qital
By Renuka Narayanan, Hindustan Times
October 10, 2008

Qital: The Holy Quran has Makkah Verses, spanning the first 13 years of the Messenger of Allah’s prophecy and Medina Verses spanning the next ten years, after the Hegira (departure to Medina in 622 CE). Many of the so-called jihad verses cited are from the Medina section. But, says Qasmi, such verses are about qital (literally fighting only in the course of war, moreover, war between two rulers/States/establishments) and not about jihad (which is ‘struggle’, an evolutionary journey that even incudes qital when required).

However, no individual or private group is authorised by the Quran to commit acts of violence or war even against those who have harmed them directly or indirectly. Yes, Surah Tauba 9:13 says:Ala tuqatiluna qauman nakasu Aimaanahum… (Will ye not fight people Who violated their oaths…) Says part of footnote 1261 in a Mecca edition of the Quran:

‘An appeal is made to the Muslims on various grounds: 1. The shameless disregard of treaties by the enemy.

2. The underhand plots to discredit the Holy Prophet, and turn him out of Medina as he had been turned out of Makkah. 3. The aggressive taken by the Quraish and their confederates in Medina after the Treaty of Hudaibia (February 628 CE).’ 9:14 says next: But fight them, And Allah will punish them By your hands And disgrace them, Help you to victory over them and Heal the breasts of Believers. Footnote 1262 says: “Heal the breasts of Believers: wounds that they may have sustained from the assaults, taunts and cruelty of the enemy.”,-seeking-to-understand-terms-like-kafir,-mushrik,-jihad-and-qital-/islamic-ideology/d/867