
Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Obama Presidency and the Muslims of America, Islam and the West,

Islam and the West
The Obama Presidency and the Muslims of America
By: Waheeduddin Ahmed Ph.D.

One of the only two Muslim members of the Congress, Keith Ellison, was kept away from the company of the candidate lest the appearance of association may spoil the chances of election. Now, any misgivings among the Jewish electorate about the President-elect‘s favorable attitude towards Israel has been dispelled by the appointment of Rahm Emanuel, an ardent Zionist, as the Chief of Staff. In short, Barack Hussain Obama knows that in order to demonstrate his American-ness, he will have to run faster and faster from his Hussaini heritage and disown its barakah. The President-elect is, after all, a product of the system and is no revolutionary. We can’t have Che Guevaras running this country.

What does all this indicate? It indicates that Muslims are a pariah in the United States, Obama or no-Bama .It took Collin Powell to put a finger on the pulse of the nation but the truth is that no cure is even being contemplated. The frenzy among Muslims about the election result will be short-lived and the Obamania will be soon cured with a bitter pill of reality.

The American elections are about winning and the governing is about surviving and getting re-elected. Obama or no-Bama, the biggest players in the politics and the economics of this country are the corporate interests of oil, pharmaceutical, banking and insurance companies, which preside over a system of serfdom, putting their vicegerents as elected official at the helm. The recent financial crisis has lifted the curtain on the scene of this neo-serfdom in which we saw, for once, the captives breaking loose and running hither and thither but make no mistake; they will soon be rounded up and put behind bars --- the bars of indifference and ignorance.