
Saturday, June 16, 2012

No wonder teenagers love the Taliban, the ultimate rebellion, Radical Islamism and Jihad,

Radical Islamism and Jihad
No wonder teenagers love the Taliban, the ultimate rebellion
By Ed West
September 29th, 2009

Last night a foreign ministry spokesman told The Daily Telegraph they were now negotiating with Pakistani authorities for the release of six Germans, including “Adrian M”, a white Muslim convert, his Eritrean wife and their four year old daughter, who were arrested as they were making their way to the “German village”. They are particularly concerned about the welfare of the child.

A couple of years back there was a surge of Germans converting to Islam, and among these there seem to be many young people attracted to the most extreme form. And while the self-hating Germans may be especially vulnerable, it’s easy to see why teenagers immersed in modern youth culture are attracted to radical Islam.

There is, firstly, the political currents. Among the youth of western Europe anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism is the norm, so that unless a 17-year-old happens to pick up a copy of the Spectator or read Theodore Dalrymple in City Journal, he or she will not know any different from the mainstream opinion that America is a war-monger destroying the planet, Israel is causing conflict between the Muslim world and Europe, and white racism stops Africa progressing. And with Communism dead and socialism weakened, global Islamism is the number one international opponent to American capitalism. To those who see no moral difference between the US and the gangster states of Asia and Africa, and their proxies, the Taliban might even be seen as the underdogs.,-the-ultimate-rebellion/radical-islamism-and-jihad/d/1827