
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Muslims must shed victim mentality: Tariq Ramadan, Ijtihad, Rethinking Islam,

Ijtihad, Rethinking Islam
Muslims must shed victim mentality: Tariq Ramadan
It means being faithful to our holy texts, but also evolving our understanding of religion to face the challenges of today. So there are certain aspects of Islam that are not going to change, such as our creed and our basic pillars. What must however change is how we implement the religion socially and politically. Muslim societies need more democratisation, more freedom and a better understanding of how to deal with other cultures. We have principles, but what we need is transformational reform.

No. These are both steps of a larger process. The first step is of course to adapt to the reality we face, as it is only with better understanding that we will be able to transform that reality. In order to contribute to the evolution in Western thought that they desire, Muslims in the West should know the culture, history and collective psychology that has created the current context in the first place. Only by gaining this knowledge can they become a contributing force for more justice, values and ethics.