
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Massive disinformation campaign to brainwash Muslims for campaign of Terror - IV, Radical Islamism and Jihad,

Radical Islamism and Jihad
Massive disinformation campaign to brainwash Muslims for campaign of Terror - IV
Arabs, Jesus and Mahdi: The Role of Arabs

3. Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood (raddi Allah anho) that Dear Propher (salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said: A Nation will come from the East with Black Flags and they will ask for some “Khair” (because of them being needy) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people (who didn’t give them what they asked). Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it untill they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with Justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you find this Nation (i.e. from the East with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice. Reference: Al-Asha-ah الآﺸﺍﻋﺔ Page 240. Also at Pag 108 in the book “Islam main Imam Mahdi ka Tasawwur” by Maulana Professor Muhammad Yousaf Khan from internationally acclaimed Islamic School i.e Jamia Ashrafia Lahore, Pakistan.