
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Islam’s emphasis on equal respect to all prophets and all religions, Letter to the Editor,

Letter to the Editor
Islam’s emphasis on equal respect to all prophets and all religions

I am an American. I was born into a Jewish family and attended 6 years of Hebrew School as a youth and of course was Barmitzvahed in 1968. Today I am a rather militant and very devout Atheist, not that it's important to this discussion but that it might help the reader to understand my perspective. Out of respect and because my own beliefs are not generally accepted by a very theological American population generally accepting Christianity I have chosen to accept all religions as being universally assumed truths which should be viewed with equality. I wish harm to no one.

Let's examine the phrase "equal respect to all prophets and all religions" as it applies to America today and I would like to ask your opinion on what I would consider a vital question for the Islamic world today.

America, to say the least and to also treat it very mildly, is in a state of inner turmoil never before experienced in its history. It's foreign policy and even its national policy dictated solely by the events of 9/11. We are living a lie and we are engaged in an active clash of civilizations which is responsible for, between 2001 and today, the deaths of well over 1 million Muslims, believers in Islam. This is no small matter as I'm certain you are well aware. We are exporting religious fear at the same time that we are entertaining it as the solitary and exclusive basis for our actions. While you might know, and the Muslim world might also know, and even I know that this is false, Americans, most of them, do not.