
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hip Hop Jijad: Islamism in Britain. Are America's Muslims Becoming Radicalized?, Radical Islamism and Jihad,

Radical Islamism and Jihad
Hip Hop Jijad: Islamism in Britain. Are America's Muslims Becoming Radicalized?

In the UK, where "Dirty Kuffar" was recorded, Islamists have had a big influence on the youth. Both government and police are concerned about this development. They believe that this means the risk of terrorist attacks is now greater. In September three young Londoners were convicted of conspiracy to commit murder in a plot involving explosives attacks. They had recorded so-called "martyrdom videos", films in which terrorists admit to carrying out their attacks.

One of these "martyrdom videos" promises: "There will be a wave of martyrdom operations. Your countries will be bombarded. You will experience daily suffering in this world and ever worse in the afterlife! My one wish is that I could come back to life and do the same thing again. And again, and again, till people finally come to their senses and realise that it is better not to pick a fight with the Muslims."

"Muslim Boys" and hip hop poses

The manner in which these young men pose for the camera has little to do with Islamic custom, more to do with rap posturing and inner-city lifestyles, and in London there are strange overlaps to be seen. An infamous South London street gang is known as the "Muslim Boys" and social workers report that young men who till recently had dealt drugs and led a "gangster" lifestyle have suddenly left for Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban.