
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dialogue? With unrepentant and exceptionally cruel and violent terrorists?, War on Terror ,

War on Terror
Dialogue? With unrepentant and exceptionally cruel and violent terrorists?
Countering Terror
By Salman Tarik Kureshi
January 23, 2010

No less a personage than the prime minister has been heard asserting that force is not the answer to terrorism (sic) and that ‘dialogue’ is necessary. Dialogue? With unrepentant and exceptionally cruel and violent terrorists? For heaven’s sake, prime minister, what kind of company have you been keeping? Consider the previous others who have endorsed or demanded ‘dialogue’ with these treasonous savages. They have included General Pervez Musharraf (who signed away whole swathes of the sovereign territory of Pakistan that he had usurped when he illegitimately seized power), the likes of Generals Hamid Gul and Aslam Beg, the religio-political parties and their beardless fellow traveller Imran Khan, and such jelly-kneed politicians as NWFP’s Mian Iftikhar Husain who trembled at the suicide bombers standing allegedly behind them as they consigned the hapless people of Swat to a living hell.

One is again hearing whispered preliminaries of the cowardly chorus of this being “not our war, after all”, despite the undeniable fact that Pakistani citizens and members of our armed forces are being blown up, shot and killed in a variety of dramatic ways.

Let’s be clear. There are four linked conflicts going on at the moment. For one, there is the poorly named ‘war against terror’, mounted by former US President George W Bush against the al Qaeda organisation of Osama bin Laden. This comprises, on the one hand, highly successful civilian anti-terror measures within the US and other countries, which have prevented a recurrence of the spectacular earlier al Qaeda attacks in the US, Indonesia, Spain and Britain. On the other hand, having militarily driven al Qaeda from its Afghanistan base, piecemeal destruction of the organisation’s leadership proceeds with the use of deadly accurate hellfire missiles fired from unmanned drones.